Everybody talks of pork crackling but what about turkey crackling?
I think this is one of my favourite parts of a roasted Barra Bronze. I think the crispy skin complements the rich gravy and meat beautifully.
But how do we achieve this?
Well, we take the extra effort to hand pluck each of our turkeys. This ensures that the outer skin is kept intact and it holds the juices in when you come to cook the bird. However, this outer skin is delightfully rich and crispy.
Turkeys are usually wet plucked with a chemical to remove the feathers. This is a really efficient process and the carcass looks immaculate. However, the outer skin is removed, therefore when the bird is cooked it will dry out and you do not get that crispy skin.
Turkey plucking is a really tough job. It drives me a little bit mad throughout November and December. I can confess that when I shut my eyes at night I can see the little bronze feathers everywhere. I continually dream of turkey feathers throughout November and December. Nevertheless, I have never run down the main street of our town gobbling throughout the night in a fit of madness.
Turkey plucking is really repetitive and physically tiring but I think it is well worth the extra effort!